Gender Equality in Science
On 29th November 2020, IUGS signed a MoU with the Standing Committee on Gender Equality in Science (SCGES).
IUGS joined the SCGES and will act for supporting women and girls’ equal access to science education and fostering equal opportunity and treatment for females in their careers.
Helps partners to promote gender equality within their organizations, and in particular
Follows the progress of the implementation by partners of the recommendations of the Gender Gap in Science Project;
Approves proposals for new partners to join SCGES;
Endorses projects and initiatives to promote gender equality in science proposed to it by partners;
Facilitates communication among partners, among other things by developing and maintaining a website.​
At its Council meeting in October 2020 IUGS agreed the following resolution on diversity:
"Resolution on diversity and inclusivity in all IUGS/IGC activities and functions
As a guiding principle, IUGS/IGC organisers and leaders should strive to encourage diversity and inclusion when planning and delivering all activities and functions (including but not limited to governance, panels, technical sessions, workshops, nominations for awards, and symposia). Special care should be also placed to include women, people from diverse cultures, and colleagues from low- and middle-income countries as keynote speakers or equivalent positions of importance and visibility at the International Geological Congress. All geoscientists of the world should have equal access and opportunity to contribute to the advancement of global geoscience. The IUGS must be at the forefront of these efforts globally."
Furthermore IUGS as part of SCGES will:
Endeavor to promote gender equality in its own structure, proceedings and
scientific discipline, noting the recommendations of the Gender Gap in Science Project;
Appoint a representative to SCGES; it shall also appoint a deputy representative who may stand in for the representative in case of need; it shall also appoint a deputy representative who may stand in for the representative in case of need;
Support its representative in contributing to and attending meetings;
Share with SCGES, and especially with its chair, all relevant information that can help promote gender equality in science;
Make a contribution to SCGES’s common funds decided on a year-by-year basis; this is currently set at 300 € and will be used to set up and run the SCGES website. The contribution of each partner will be determined annually by mutual agreement by the partners. The initial contribution will made within 3 months of signing and future contributions will be made between 1st January and 28th February each year thereafter.
Within the limits of its capacity, set up projects and initiatives to promote gender equality in science; for this purpose they may seek cooperation with other signatories of the present Memorandum of Understanding, but also with other organizations and institutions;
Decide whether to contribute to projects and initiatives led by other partners and endorsed by SCGES, and consider the modalities of this contribution.
Share communications relevant to gender equality in science with its members and through its networks, by all means at its disposal, including social network accounts, website, newsletters and journals, electronic and in print;
Call upon its member organizations or its representatives, if relevant, to set up national or regional initiatives to promote gender equality in science.
From 2023, the IUGS Commission on Geoethics represents the IUGS within the Standing Committee on Gender Equality in Science
Read more about the Standing Committee on Gender Equality in Science (SCGES).

IUGS Representative
Silvia Peppoloni (Italy)
IUGS Deputy
John Ludden (United Kingdom)
IUGS celebration of the UN Women and Girls in Science Day 2022
An IUGS60 set of video interviews to women in geosciences.